Integrated policy

Integrated Management System Policy Statement

CUSTOM develops and manufactures professional printing, scanning and data intelligence solutions for the automation of public services and digitization processes in vertical and specialized markets.
The strategic objective of the CUSTOM group is a significant and sustainable growth - on national and international markets - in the Retail & Hospitality, Aviation & Public Transport and Entertainment sectors.


To achieve this strategic objective, CUSTOM:

To support its strategies, CUSTOM observes the following commitments:

(1) Quality, Occupational Health and Safety, Social Responsibility, Information Security and Environment; the Environment Management System is only for the two sites in Fontevivo – Via Berettine 2 e 2/b.



All workers and interested parties, if they recognize a situation in contrast with the principles of Social Responsibility of SA8000, can submit a claim as follow:


In addition, claims can be submitted:


CUSTOM ensures that the reporting methods on Social Responsibility principles are legitimate, accessible, predictable, fair, transparent, compatible with rights, non-retaliatory, monitored, anonymous (if preferred) and supportive of continuous improvement.


Release 17 - Date: Feb 21st 2025