Parma (ITALY), July 2012: we are glad to announce you that CUSTOM best‐seller printer VKP80II and its A4 documents scanner, have been included into the new automatic dispensers Pharmapoint24 created to automate the sale of parapharmaceuticals 24 hours a day, without time limits! Through the touch monitor it's possible to consult the multilingual virtual showcase of about 700 products presented to the Customer with picture and detailed descriptive card. Custom's VKP80II printer allows to print the receipt of the performed purchase and
moreover guarantees the credit recovery. The high printing quality, the automatic ejecting‐retracting function, the antijamming system and the high printing autonomy (big paper roll with multi position paper support) are VKP80II's features which make it suitable for all self‐service applications. The high resolution embedded scanner allows to scan the doctor's prescription which will be then sent to the pharmacist. The kiosk is equipped also with video camera and microphone which allow the Customer to enable the remote and interactive connection with the pharmacist.
Published on 03/07/2012 in Case History