Parma (ITALY), September 2011: new important business per CUSTOM in the USA: the VKP112 printer has been included in the new self‐service kiosks from the American company ADFLOW, installed in nearly 5000 pharmacies in the RITE AID chain in the United States and Canada.
The unattended (self‐service) kiosks serve customers at the pharmacy, measuring blood pressure and heart rate.
Customs VKP112 printer enables test results to be printed on a 112 mm wide ticket to ensure excellent legibility.
The 300dpi print quality of the Custom model is essential in order to guarantee the clarity of the printed document which could be a PDF file, Word file or even a jpg image.
The user is also recognised automatically, creating important customer loyalty for the pharmacy, along with the opportunity to offer solutions and products tailored to the customer.
Another new, exciting use of a Custom product in the U.S. market involves university gyms: the TG2460H 60 mm thermal printer, connected to the basket on the basketball court, prints the report of the baskets scored by players during training. This means the coach does not have to supervise the students during the exercises but just check the report showing the total number of baskets scored at the end of the lesson, to determine assessments and prizes!
CUSTOM offers a variety of solutions for the kiosk and self‐service market. You can see the whole range on the website www.custom.biz
Published on 04/09/2011 in Case History