Airports and technology: the new passenger experience starts as early as the airport car park

The holidays are not far off and airports prepare to deal with an average of 10% more passengers ready to depart for their Christmas destinations.
In order to guarantee a quality passenger experience even at this time of increased flow, the large airport structures around the world are equipping themselves with more advanced technology capable of assisting passengers at each stage of their journey, including airport parking.

Arriving at the airport: where should you park?

Airport car parks are a rapidly growing business. The annual intakes in Europe exceed 2 billion per year; in the UK alone, they come close to 1 billion and in North America they represent 41% of airport turnover together with overland transport.
It is predicted that by 2035 the number of passengers will double at world level with an exponential growth of car owners, which will have a significant effect on the demand for airport parking.
Today in Europe, 70% of airports manage parking that they own, and 95% of these are for commercial purposes.
User demands? Rapid service and safety.
How to satisfy them? With state-of-the-art management systems.

CUSTOM offers a unique, innovative ticket management system for parking that combines in a single tool all the functions needed to control the complete parking process for the user (from entry, to payment and finally to exit). We are talking about the new PP54.
At the root of the PP54 lies an aim to offer a complete, innovative solution that allows you to re-use a single ticket for different purposes and applications.
PP54 prints ISO7811 tickets (with a 300 dpi resolution, dimension 54mm); scanning in 2 or 4 directions; it deals with vouchers, plastic passes, paperless tickets, or cards (HF RFID). This is the fastest system available on the market and can handle up to 3 tickets at the same time, as it has 2 collection methods (at the bottom and back).
Even from a maintenance point of view, the new system is a success: it is easily and fully controllable, and has a self-diagnosis function capable of resolving paper-jamming problems.

The CUSTOM printing solutions, with 25 years of history and 5 years of experience in the Aviation industry are now installed widespread in more than 200 airports around the world, guaranteeing advanced technology, Italian design and unique functioning.
From Italy to abroad, as far as the main Asian airports, like the prize winning, best airport in the world, Changi Airport, CUSTOM is there, acting as a unique, reliable partner of complete systems, hardware, software and services: supporting your business needs.

Enjoy your trip from Custom!

Publicado el 04/10/2018 en Technological Innovations
