Smart mobility: transformation through ticketing management systems
2022 is nearer than it seems, and it may be the year that will see Europe becoming the first market in the world in the field of technology for connected cars, with a turnover increasing +195,1% if facing with the 48,4 billions reached in 2017 (elaboration by Autopromotec Observatory on the basis of a study realized by PwC, an international consulting company).
Smart cars are not the only aspect that will lead to mobility digital transformation, smart mobility will be complete only with the introduction of systems able to interact among and with them: wi-fi networks all along road routes, technologies for 5G, street signs, smart traffic lights and smart parking/ticketing systems.
Companies belonging to automotive and hi-tech sectors will actually realize this revolution, since that they are working to improve the services on the cars and the external communication, and also the Parking Industry, which is focusing on integrated and even more complete smart parking sytems.
Living in these times of deep transformation in the field of mobility strategies, together with new specific softwares, sensors systems and mobile applications, we don't have to underestimate the key role of the ticketing systems that involve parkings and public transports, already suitable for the present, without having to be integrated to a complex communication platform.
Simplifying and speeding up the procedures to enter, pay and exit from a parking, or get on a public service vehicle, has a fundamental importance to improve the user experience and make the service even smarter.
With 25 years of experience with printing systems able to work with hard conditions (both for the work they have to do and for the environment), CUSTOM is already able to offer a real solution to meet ticketing needs, both present and future.
The new Custom PP54 represents the most complete and innovative ticketing management smart system for parkings and public transports, combining in only one tool all the features needed to control the whole parking (or journey) process for the user: from the entrance to the payment, until the exit (watch the demo video).
In an even more competitive and skilled market, CUSTOM satisfies real and future needs, increasing once more the innovation in stand-alone mode too. At the basis of the project, the chance to re-use a single ticket for more than one purpose and for different applications.
PP54 prints ISO7811 tickets (with a 300 dpi resolution, 54mm sized) and scans in 2 or 4 directions, it manages coupons, plastic cards and tickets without paper or cards (HF RFID). It's the fastest system available on the market and can manage up to 3 tickets at the same time, having 2 modes for the ticket collection (bottom and rear). With the double loading module, the system can issue two different tickets. Also considering the maintenance, the new system is successful: it's easily and fully verifiable, and it has a specific auto diagnosis function able to fix paper jamming matters.
This is only one of the CUSTOM solutions able to solve real problems, related to our daily life, both present and future. Contact us to learn more writing to, or visit our website!
Publicado el 25/05/2017 en Technological Innovations