The history of Atm


Thanks to the endless hours wasted in the bank to withdraw his money, John Shepard Barron, the clerk of the British company De La Rue, had a brilliant idea and developed the first Atm (Automated Teller Machine).

On June 27th, 1967 the new revolutionary invention started its operations in Enfield Town (North London) at Barclays Bank. This first model accepted only disposable vouchers, which were retained by the machine, and provided maximum ten-pound notes. In the meantime, in order to obstruct thefts, the equipment worked with several principles, including radiation and low-coercivity magnetism that was removed by the voucher during the reading phase.

Actually, the paternity of the brilliant idea is controversial and claimed at least by three people but, among all, in 2005 John Shepard Barron got an award by Queen Elizabeth. After nine years from its first appearance in London, the first Atm equipment arrived in Italy: Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara is the first bank that installed it.

Atms distribution has been a worldwide success, dramatically transforming the daily relationship with the banks and triggering the birth of forms and payment networks that is still characterizing international markets. Today, the transformation of the concept of money brought by new technologies is shaking the world of Atms also: the future of the machines that distribute cash will be the integration with mobile, innovative interfaces and, above all, zero operating costs for customers.

The Atm's Self-Service character is the other aspect that has evolved and still continues to be a strong trend. The general growth of Self-Service Technologies (SST) covers a wide range of applications, including interactive kiosks, meant as computer workstations for public access. Today, kiosks are used in various sectors belonging to trade distribution, including food stores, supermarkets, department stores, specialty stores and drug-stores, as well as book stores and entertainment places. Examples of retail kiosks are totems for prices automatic reading and self-service cash registers at supermarkets.

Custom SpA is a leader in these technologies also, and they now characterize our daily lives. The solutions offered by Custom offer advanced systems for any application related to Self-Service printing: kiosk printers, Self-Service printers, ATM printers, ticket dispensers, OEM scanners, including magnetic and chip cards readers/ writers (manual and motorized, complete with anti-intrusion and anti-pollution full shutter).

An evolving market 100% dedicated to the needs of the consumer: these are the reasons why Custom SpA invests efforts and research in the division dedicated to Self-Service Kiosk, to constantly deliver innovative and cutting edge solutions.

Publié le 05/02/2016 in Technological Innovations
