Integrated Management System Policy Statement
CUSTOM develops and manufactures professional printing, scanning and data intelligence solutions for the automation of public services and digitization processes in vertical and specialized markets.
The strategic objective of the CUSTOM group is a significant and sustainable growth - on national and international markets - in the Retail & Hospitality, Aviation & Public Transport and Entertainment sectors.
To achieve this strategic objective, CUSTOM:
- identifies the relevant needs and expectations of the interested parties and the factors of the external and internal context that could cause its Integrated System to deviate from the planned results;
- determines the scope of the Integrated System, also considering the control and influence that CUSTOM can deploy;
- identifies and evaluates risks and opportunities related to:
- the conformity of the product and service, the environmental aspects, the hazards for health and safety at work, the recognition of workers' rights;
- compliance as well as and legal and voluntary requirements;
- other risks and opportunities related to the relevant needs and expectations of the interested parties;
- manages appropriate activities to minimize risks and maximize opportunities (“risk-based thinking”).
To support its strategies, CUSTOM observes the following commitments:
- identification, periodic assessment and mitigation of risks related to environmental aspects deriving from activities, products and services - also in a life cycle perspective - under the control (e.g. subsidiaries) or the influence of CUSTOM, with the aim of environmental protection and pollution prevention thanks also to the best available technology without excessive costs;
- creation of a healthy and safe work environment for the improvement of the prevention of accidents and occupational illness, with the aim of eliminating the hazards and assessing and reducing the risks for health and safety at work for people who carry out work or work-related activities in CUSTOM and under its control or influence;
- compliance with all the requirements of the SA8000 standard and with all the related international instruments for the purpose of enhancing and protecting all persons falling within the sphere of control and influence and other specific commitments relevant to the context, as appropriate and in particular (the text in italics derives from the Code of Ethics):
- No child, forced or hazardous labor - CUSTOM shall not violate the ILO (International Labour Organization) Convention 138 on the minimum age for employment, signed on 1973, and the ILO Convention 182 on the worst forms of Child labor signed on 1999. Regular work age is equal to or higher than 16 year. CUSTOM shall not accept forced or hazardous types of work.
- Health & Safety - CUSTOM shall provide a safe and healthy working environment, prevent accidents and injuries, and minimize the causes of hazards. CUSTOM complies with applicable laws and precautionary rules laid down for each specific matter and is committed to promoting a culture of safety in terms of prevention, developing risk awareness and promoting responsible behaviour.
- Freedom of opinion, association and collective bargaining - CUSTOM respects the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. CUSTOM respects every democratic opinion and not makes financial contributions to political parties or political forces.
- Non‐discrimination/equal opportunity - CUSTOM shall not discriminate between gender, race, language, religion, political or other personal or social convictions or economic conditions, including its suppliers, but always employ the people best skilled for a particular job.
- No corporal punishment - CUSTOM shall not accept corporal punishment or other forms other forms of mental and physical coercion. CUSTOM is committed to adapting the work to the individual, including matters relating to design of workstation, choice of equipment, methods of work and production, and to reduce the negative effects of work on health.
- Working and remuneration - Employees are recruited only on the basis of regular employment contracts, not tolerated is any form of illegal labor. CUSTOM complies with applicable laws and industry standards on working hours, including overtime, and recognizes the right to a fair remuneration. CUSTOM invests on security and staff training, ensuring moral and physical integrity, as well as a healthy and safe work environment that facilitates the performance of assigned duties.
- compliance with the requirements of local, national and other laws applicable in the countries in which CUSTOM operates (including of an authorization nature) and other requirements (such as prevailing sector regulations, contractual and / or voluntarily signed agreements such as management systems standards and the CUSTOM Code of Ethics which incorporates the SA8000 requirements and international instruments in relation to social responsibility, applying the provision that is most favourable to workers) systematically verifying the update and application status, where appropriate, anticipating the evolution - through planned, programmed, implemented and documented activities;
- analysis of CUSTOMer expectations and their full satisfaction, also by overcoming them, with solutions based on constant technological innovation of CUSTOM products, services and processes and capable of contributing to the success of the CUSTOMer;
- targeted communication based on the CUSTOMer's specific applications and a network of highly specialized Single Point of Contact (SPoC) services at a global level equipped with technological tools that operate in real time, formed and coordinated by excellent management;
- development of the network of technological partners to provide complete solutions based on hardware, software and services platform conceived by CUSTOM and designed on the needs of the market and the CUSTOMer;
- high competence and involvement of staff, also thanks to adequate training, combined with cutting-edge production and control technologies to ensure the necessary flexibility and speed in the development of new products and services to market needs;
- improvement of the quality of work and living in the company, favoring the individual and human relationships, while respecting the functions and everyone’s skills;
- continuous improvement of the Integrated System and its performance;
- open and collaborative communication and involvement of interested parties - and in particular consultation and participation of the people who work in and for CUSTOM and their possible representatives - in the activities in place with the aim of safeguarding health and safety at work;
- provision of resources and commitment to maintain form D Directive 2014/31 / EU on non-automatic weighing instruments;
- compliance with all the requirements of the ISO 27001 standard in order to guarantee an adequate level of security of the information assets. Therefore CUSTOM provides for the creation of an Information Security Management System aimed at the following objectives:
- ensure an appropriate level of confidentiality of the information;
- guarantee the availability of information and services consistent with corporate objectives;
- ensure and maintain the integrity of the information and the authenticity of the data, communications and documents managed;
- ensure that IT resources are protected against unauthorized use;
- ensure suitable training and awareness programs for internal staff regarding aspects on IT security and regarding the use of company Information System so that all staff contribute to achieving a high level of protection of organization’s assets;
- guarantee the definition of prevention and protection plans based on needs and requirements defined by each business unit and in line with the risk assessments performed;
- ensure the definition of security matters in all phases of design, development, operation, maintenance, assistance and decommissioning of IT systems and services;
- ensure the management and monitoring of incidents connected to the Information System, in particular the management of ICT security incidents;
- guarantee the business continuity that allows the organization to effectively deal with an unforeseen event, ensuring the restoration of critical services in a timely manner in order to limit possible negative consequences on corporate mission.
- provision of resources and commitment to obtain, maintain and continuously improve the Information Security Management System.
(1) Quality, Occupational Health and Safety, Social Responsibility, Information Security and Environment; the Environment Management System is only for the two sites in Fontevivo – Via Berettine 2 e 2/b.
All workers and interested parties, if they recognize a situation in contrast with the principles of Social Responsibility of SA8000, can submit a claim as follow:
- by filling the GESTIONE SEGNALAZIONI, RECLAMI E NON CONFORMITÀ SA8000 report, available on the intranet
- by filling the form "Segnalazione SA8000" available in the Sharepoint web portal "SA8000 - Responsabilità Sociale CUSTOM"
- directly to the SA8000 Workers Representative (far internal reporting only)
- by e-mail to
- by connecting to the web portal and selecting “SA8000” in the reporting category
In addition, claims can be submitted:
- to the Certification Body TUV Italia
c/o TUV Italia Sri - Viale Fulvio Testi, 280/6 - 20126 Milano - Italy
tel +39 02 241301
Whistleblowing web portal: - to SAAS
9 East 37th Street, 10th floor - New York - NY 10016 United States of America
tel. + 1-212-391-2106 ext. 223, extension 204.
CUSTOM ensures that the reporting methods on Social Responsibility principles are legitimate, accessible, predictable, fair, transparent, compatible with rights, non-retaliatory, monitored, anonymous (if preferred) and supportive of continuous improvement.
Release 17 - Date: Feb 21st 2025