Linerless and linerfree technologies: ecological and economical

Sustainability is now a growth factor and an essential value for companies. Making a real contribution to safeguarding the planet is not simply a trend, but a rewarding choice in the long run. Custom solutions go precisely in this direction.

The European Union and circular economy

Between March 2020 and February 2021, the European Union first presented, then renewed and strengthened, an Action Plan for a New Circular Economy. Proposals include designing more sustainable products, reducing waste and cutting Co2 emissions. The goal is to achieve azero-carbon, environmentally sustainable, toxic-free and fully circular economy by 2050.

In order to achieve this ambitious goal, both new regulations and special support measures included in the RRP have been put in place. To allow Europe become the first zero-impact continent, one of the closest goals is to aim at 100% sustainable packaging by 2030, eliminating packaging waste. 

Retailers' focus on sustainability

The retailers' aptitude to show themselves sensitive to the above mentioned themes has been clearly highlighted in a recent analysis by Kiki Lab, a retail consulting firm. Its global observatory confirms three main trends related to “greentailing”: less waste, less packaging and reliance on rental solutions.

Several success stories have been identified, all sharing the same scenario: the FMCG market is confronted on a daily basis with increasingly conscious and ecologically aware customers, who tend to reward sustainable products and services. In short, the winners will be the businesses thoroughly committed to tangible environmental, social and economic actions.

The green turning point of airports

The world of aviation, not just the retail trade, is also setting ambitious sustainability goals. In actual facts, airports have put in place decarbonization and digitalization projects to transform themselves into real "smart hubs" by 2030.

Commitments that result in the replacement of passenger shuttles and operating vehicles with new electric vehicles, but that's not all. Also within this context, waste reduction has become a need that must be effectively met as soon as possible.

Custom's eco-friendly printers

On the one hand, regulations that aim at eliminating all packaging and production waste, and on the other, consumers who are increasingly environmentally conscious. Custom responds to both needs by proposing eco-friendly and high-performance printers for receipts, luggage tags and boarding passes.

The use of "linerless" or "linerfree" adhesive paper reduces waste by eliminating the silicon base and providing increased performance, thanks to 40% additional paper vs. standard rolls. Linerfree paper differs from the linerless one in that it is re-positionable and adheres to any surface, it can be easily removed and re-applied without leaving any residue. 

We are talking about solutions such as K3 LINERFREE, KPM180H-LL and PLUS2, ideal not only for Retail, Hospitality and Aviation industries, but also for Logistics, Healthcare and Industrial sectors. These devices are the ideal solution to use in a wide variety of applications, combining ecology and cost savings at the same time. K3 LINERFREE has also obtained the prestigious MAXStick® certification, the world leader in linerfree labels for applications inthe Hospitality sector.

Do not hesitate to contact us to learn more about all of Custom's linerless and linerfree solutions!

The information in this article is taken from “Gli Speciali di Distribuzione Moderna: Sostenibilità" (November 2020), "Gli Speciali di Greenretail: Imballaggi” (December 2021) and

Опубликовано 08/06/2022 in Technological Innovations
