
Prevent fraud with innovative Custom technology

A hardware and software solution that automatically digitizes printer tickets to prevent printing defects and forgeries

The answer to printing defects and fraud

Printing accuracy is vital to avoid errors and forgeries. Think of lottery tickets, for example, as well as tax records, bank statements, airline tickets and public transport in general.

All of the aforementioned fields rely on documents, receipts and tickets to be printed without even the slightest defect. And that is without mentioning the potential legal disputes that can sometimes arise. So, how do you ensure your printed items are both genuine and high in quality?

VeriPrint®: a worldwide patent that certifies print authenticity

Custom has developed the VeriPrint® system. VeriPrint® is a system consisting of an image scanner and thermal print head. When printing, a scan element automatically takes a snapshot of the image and makes possible a real-time comparison between the data sent to the printer and those actually printed.

If any inconsistencies are found between the printed and original documents, VeriPrint® immediately sends an alert. In addition to identifying potential fraud, the system can also prevent issues related to barcode readability and power disruptions, while also detecting errors or discrepancies with respect to the original document.

Images are either sent to a storage device inside the printer or a remote host in real time. In this way, the original image can be retrieved and counterfeit items “unmasked” if doubts arise about a document’s authenticity, thereby reducing costs and the potential for disputes. Custom’s patented system can also identify hardware in need of assistance, such as devices with a damaged printer head.

VeriPrint® is extremely versatile. It can be integrated with all ticket- and receipt-issuing systems, such as those used in the POS automation field, the retail sector, the tax sector, the air and rail transport sectors, and the lottery, betting and banking sectors.

VeriPrint® for the aviation and public transport sectors

This innovative new technology is perhaps most successful in the aviation industry, a context in which VeriPrint® can be used in two key areas.

An anti-forgery system for airline tickets

As you know, airport passengers are subject to constant and stringent security checks, and boarding and ticket checks are perhaps the most critical of them all. Custom’s new system checks for consistencies between printed and original documents in real time. VeriPrint® is a quick and effective tool to help you check that airline tickets are genuine, acting as an additional ally to help you secure strategic environments.

Wave goodbye to baggage handling errors

The air transport sector has been working to reduce baggage handling errors for some time by rolling out continuous location monitoring. After installing RFID technology in its printers, Custom is able to help airports achieve their goal with the launch of VeriPrint®.

This new system helps airlines reduce baggage handling error rates by identifying unreadable barcodes during the printing process. Companies operating in airports can benefit enormously from this sort of bag label check. On the one hand, the costs associated with incorrect baggage handling will decrease, and on the other, passengers satisfaction will increase, as they will no longer have to deal with lost suitcases.

These checks are further supplemented by an RFID chip, which rereads barcodes. In this context, VeriPrint® integrates perfectly with the TK862 RFID ticket printer to provide a compact, efficient solution.

VeriPrint® for the lottery, gaming and betting sectors

The lottery and betting sectors rely heavily on print accuracy. As such, Custom has integrated VeriPrint® technology with the K3 Lottery printer to guarantee speed, quality and authenticity.

In a sensitive setting such as the betting and gambling world, ticket validity is often called into question, so being able to count on unquestionable print quality can help guarantee peace of mind.

Custom solutions to print errors and fraud


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