Parma (ITALY) January 2013: Custom is an official supplier of Auchan group, one of France's largest supermarket and superstore chains and one of the world's most important large‐scale retail companies. Custom has supplied the company with VKP80II printers with Ethernet and USB interfaces, to be inserted within the latest self‐service systems outside Auchan and Leroy Merlin supermarkets.
While 300 units have already been placed for the start‐up stage, approximately 500 more units will soon be delivered throughout France. These systems will revolutionize the way people shop. Using the normal Auchan loyalty card, customers will just have to fill out their shopping on‐line via a personal computer, tablet or smartphone, from home, on the road, or anywhere else they might be. The loyalty code will allow the customer's list of desired products to be recorded on the Auchan database. And it's all downhill from there. The customer just has to head to the nearest supermarket, pull their vehicle up to one of these self service systems, lower the car window and access the system by inserting their loyalty card. The self‐service system will recognize the loyalty card, as well as the shopping list associated with it. The payment will be made, and the Custom VKP80II unit will print the shopping list along with the receipt.
An employee will prepare the shopping bags with all the requested products and will bring them out to the vehicle, thus allowing the customer to remain comfortably seated, avoid queues at the checkout, save time on looking for the desired products and avoid competing with other customers for shopping carts, etc.
Once again, Custom has exploited its own versatility by including its printers within a remarkable idea. Custom's proverbial flexibility has allowed it to develop custom drivers designed to meet Auchan's specific requirements. In addition to the high‐tech features that allow the printers to be used outdoors, with optimal printing speeds and perfect definition, Custom also guarantees 24‐hour reliability.
The company's partnership with Auchan Group continues to grow, with 450 units having already been purchased for the Flunch chain, and another 450 on the way.
07/01/2013刊登于 历史档案