Parma (ITALY), July 10th 2012:
Today, the Bologna Airport became the first in Europe to introduce the new multi‐company 'full auto check‐in' kiosks, which will allow passengers to reserve their seats on board and check their luggage in a single operation. In fact, the Marconi Airport was selected by Siemens as the pilot facility for the activation of the new 'Sicheck Full Auto Check In' units: automatic kiosks that can be used by all airlines, with which passengers can carry out their pre‐boarding procedures quickly and autonomously. In order to further streamline the process, passengers will be able to read the barcodes shown on the boarding cards directly from their own smartphones. This innovation represents yet another step towards the complete automation of airport procedures, offering passengers greater autonomy and freedom.
While there are currently four 'Sicheck' units present at the airport, this number is expected to grow to 14 by the end of 2013, following a gradual integration process aimed at ensuring the units' acceptance and approval on behalf of the passengers. The same project will subsequently also be carried out at the Madrid airport.
Siemens Italia has chosen CUSTOM printers for the realization of these self‐service kiosks, specifically the KPM150H model for printing the luggage tags, which will soon also be equipped with RFID tags for tracking, and the VKP80II model (the best‐selling unit that currently boasts over 320,000 installations) for printing the receipt/boarding pass.
CUSTOM has once again confirmed itself as an industry leader, thanks to the exceptional reliability and technology offered by its products.
10/07/2012刊登于 历史档案